William Wang, a freshman at North Allegheny Intermediate High School, has won first place in the 2016 Young Artist Competition, sponsored by the Pittsburgh Philharmonic Orchestra. He will be a featured performer at the orchestra’s spring concert, Spring is in the Air, scheduled for performances March 11 at Butler County Community College’s Succop Theater and at Mt. Alvernia’s Scotus Hall on March 12.
Starting violin lessons at the age of 8, William, now 14, is currently studying with Ms. Monique Mead. He also is an accomplished pianist. In 2012, he won 2nd place at the Duquesne Young Artists National Competition for violin, as well as being selected into the final round of the WQED Musical Kids contest twice, once for violin, in 2012 and once for piano, in 2013. In 2015, he performed a violin duet with the Edgewood Symphony Orchestra at their “Perfect Pitch” concert and won the Pittsburgh Civic Orchestra Young Artist Solo Competition. Aside from violin, William is a passionate basketball player, and was a member of his school basketball team in 8th grade. He also enjoys playing and watching all types of sports in his free time.
The Young Artist Concerto Competition is open to high school musicians performing on harp, strings, brass, or woodwinds. Applicants must be between the ages of 14 and 19 and must be residents of Allegheny, Butler, Beaver, Washington, or Westmoreland counties. All applicants are required to submit a CD recording of one movement of a standard concerto to the Philharmonic. Finalists selected then appear in person before an Audition Panel and that group selects the winner of the competition.