~ Chris Massa, winner of the 2017 Young Composer Contest
~ Brian Morales, winner of the 2018 Young Composer Contest
Click here to see the rules
Download an application and a copy of the rules
Submission Deadline is SEPTEMBER 15, 2023
Questions? Contact pghphilcomposer@gmail.com

And the 2023 winner is:
Bradley Fletcher
About Bradley
Bradley Fletcher (September 7, 1999) is a composer for whom music is a central pursuit on which he can reflect on his diverse interests and passions. Through reflection on these interests, such as politics, literature, philosophy, history, film, art, architecture, and sociology, he can create connections and conversation, with the primary hope that his music doesn’t tell, rather it serves to make people think and deeply reflect.
His music is influenced by modernism, post-minimalism, sound experimentation, and contemporary Western Classical music of various schools of thought. He also seeks to form musical dialectic, both around his interests, as well as an eclectic mixing of old and new musical languages. In his other musical pursuits, he hopes to contribute to a contemporary musical scene where anyone who has something to say can be heard on stage, and where there is no distinction between dichotomies such as tonality vs. atonality, or “low vs. high” art.
He is a second year Master student in Music Composition at Carnegie Mellon, where he studies under Nancy Galbraith, and is expecting to graduate in May. He also has earned a Bachelor of Science in Sociology from Ball State, with a minor in History, as well as studying composition as an elective under Eleanor Trawick, Micheal Pounds, Amelia Kaplan, and Chin Ting (Patrick) Chan. His music has been featured at New Music on the Bayou, International Computer Music Conference 2022, SICPP 2023, and the inaugural season of the Texas New Music Festival. Upcoming performances include the Texas New Music Festival 2024 and the Mostly Modern Music Festival 2024.